Hi Members,
The board of directors are pleased to present the 2024 Craig Parry masterplan for eligible members to vote to approve.
Following the original plan Craig presented at the end of 2023, feedback and further due-diligence was undertaken by the club. The updated plan has been unanimously approved by the board of directors and is now presented to the membership for final approval.
Members can view the detailed plan via this link, or alternatively request a printed copy at the club.
We encourage all members to read this document prior to casting a Yes / No vote, as this is an important document for the future of the Ballina Golf & Sports Club course.
Eligible members to vote will be financial members as at 5th August 2024 in the following membership categories – Select AGF, Select Non AGF, Midweek, Lifestyle, Country, Pathway & Life members.
The club has engaged Vero Voting to undertake the voting process. Eligible members will receive an email / text from Vero voting with a link to the voting portal. Members can view and vote online or alternatively vote at the club if technical assistance is required. Notifications from Vero voting should occur prior to voting opening and again when voting opens.
The club would like to thank Tom Dawn, Ric Arnison & Don Stephen who will act as scrutineers for the vote, and who have also graciously donated their time to assist members in casting their vote at the club at the below times.
The voting portal will be open from 11am Friday 9th August 2024 until 5pm Thursday 22nd August 2024. The vote is a Yes / No answer to the question – “As a playing member of Ballina Golf & Sports Club, do you approve the Craig Parry masterplan?”
Members can be provided with assistance to vote in the pro shop Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15th, Friday 16th & Monday 19th from approx. 10am – 12:30pm. Outside these times, assistance may be available during office hours at reception.
We anticipate the results will be shared with the membership once our scrutineers have finished checking the results on Friday 23rd August 2024.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read the masterplan and casting your vote.
Kind Regards
Andrew Porter
General Manager