These guidelines assist in the upkeep of the course and ensure that you and your fellow Members have an enjoyable round of golf.
Safety and consideration are common sense, but please take note of the following:
- When grounds staff are working ahead, wait until they acknowledge your intentions before hitting towards them. Please give sufficient time so that staff may move machinery and themselves out of the line of play.
- Ground Staff have right of way while working on all areas of the course. If a green is being worked on and the flagstick is not in the hole, players are not to hit the green until it is replaced.
- Under no circumstances are members to direct complaints directly to the ground staff. All complaints should go through the appropriate channels.
- Before playing a stroke or taking a practice swing, always ensure that no one is in your line of play or near your swing path.
- If your ball is headed towards someone else, shout “fore”, golf’s universal warning, as loudly as possible.
- Try not to move, talk or create any disturbance or noise while another person is about to play.
- Ensure mobile phones are on silent.
- Do not stand close to or directly behind the ball, or directly behind the hole, when a player is about to play.
- Be careful not to stand on or damage other players’ lines of putt and that your shadow does not distract others.
- Remain near the putting green until all players in your group have holed out, unless your group has to catch up to the group in front.
- In stroke play, confirm the score of the player for whom you are marking on the way to the next tee.
An important part of golf etiquette is the care of the golf course. A few moments of courtesy during a round will assist the Club’s ground staff and ensure a more pleasant round for all golfers.
The condition of greens can have a major impact on players’ scores, so careful attention must be given to the putting surface. The most important aspect is the repair of pitch marks – the longer a mark stays unrepaired, the longer it takes to mend. A pitch mark should be repaired as follows:
- Attend to each side of the pitch mark, easing the turf towards the centre to replace the damaged area with your pitch mark fork or a tee.
- Do not lift the pitch mark fork or tee upward bringing soil to the surface.
- Complete the repair by tapping down with a putter.
Sand buckets are available at the starting tees and divots should be repaired as follows:
- Replace the divot as it will regrow and repair quicker when replaced carefully.
- Use sand to lightly cover the replaced divot. Use a foot to level the sand so that a reasonably flat lie remains for following players.
- If buckets are not available or you have run out of sand, replace the divot in its hole.
- If you cannot find the divot knock in the sides of the divot hole with a club so that a level lie is maintained.
- A careless repair may provide an unfair lie for other players, and may also damage course equipment and will result in the divot taking longer to mend.
It is important to leave bunkers in good condition for following players. Bunkers should be smoothed in the following manner:
- Enter and leave the bunker from the lowest point.
- After playing, smooth the area repairing footprints and divot using the rake.
- After use, replace the rake into its holder.
The Club reserves the right to change the use of golf carts depending on weather conditions. Golf carts can be damaging to the course if not used carefully.
- Carts must be kept away from green surrounds and driven on paths when available.
- Do not drive between bunkers and the edge of the greens.
- Carts are to be kept off fairways as much as possible particularly in wet or hot conditions.
- Do not drive through damaged or wet areas.
- Drive only where directed.
- Neither the driver nor the passenger is permitted to pull a golf buggy whilst the cart is in motion.
Thank you for your assistance to care for the course and people that are on it.
Kind Regards
Andrew Porter
General Manager
Phone: 02 6686 2766
Email: manager@ballinagolfclub.com.au